Benefits of Membership

For these purposes, ‘Membership’ refers to those persons or entities who have registered as licensees of the GMDN Database, and who have thereby agreed to the licence terms relevant to the type of access and use of the GMDN Database required.

By becoming such a licensed member, you will be entitled under the terms of your licence to access the GMDN Database which currently has over 24,000 Term Names that group your medical device products.

All the GMDN Term Names and Definitions are available to all users and when the appropriate one has been found the related GMDN Code can be revealed and used.

Depending on the membership plan you select, additional features are available to the user. Some features are only available to certain qualified organisations.


We provide an advance search tool, the ‘Explorer’ to help you identify the relevant GMDN Term by using a clinical hierarchy.

GMDN uses the features in the Explorer to provider higher level grouping of GMDN Terms.

These can be used to support better navigation of the GMDN Terms to help aggregate data about larger groups of devices. For example, this would be useful if you needed to find out how many ‘Endoscopes’ your organisation used or the growth in use of implanted ‘Finger joint prostheses’ in the last year.


The Explorer uses over 2000 GMDN Collective Terms to group the GMDN Terms and because it is a poly-hierarchical structure, the system is very flexible and can be adapted and amended quickly without affecting the status of any specific GMDN Term.

My Terms

The ‘My Terms’ list can be used to help manage the GMDN Terms you use. We monitor these Terms for you and our system provides Notifications and Alerts concerning any changes in a Term’s Status. We also provide a button to export the list of Terms.

The ‘My Terms’ list can be used to help manage the GMDN Terms you use. We monitor these Terms for you and our system automatically contacts you to tell you of a status change. We also provide a button to export the list of Terms.


If you no longer need us to monitor a specific Term, these can be archived, and effectively removed from the list.


We notify you automatically by email if the status of the Terms in your ‘My Terms’ list changes for any reason. This can be very useful to demonstrate compliance with the US FDA ‘UDI Final Rule’ (21 CFR Parts 830.350)


Enquiry Service

If you are a medical device innovator we provide a free ‘Enquiry’ service to help you find the right GMDN Term for your product.

If you can’t find the right GMDN Term for your product after searching our database, you can send us an enquiry and we will review your product literature and advise on the next step.

We might need to create a new GMDN Term or modify the definition of an existing Term to include your product variant or we may be able to identify an existing GMDN Term suitable for you. The Enquiry Service is free to all registered users.

We have an ISO 9001 Quality Management Procedure to control and document our Enquiry Service, so you can be assured we have the processes in place to manage and secure your data.

At the end of the process we make the draft term available to all registered members, so they can comment too.

Multi-User Accounts

Users can create multiple user accounts and provide different access rights to their staff.

Multiple user accounts can be useful if you are a larger organisation and need to allocate different account access permissions. For example, you can give a team member permission to submit an Enquiry. There are also free fields to help group your different users.


The user who registers a new GMDN account has all permissions by default.

The list of permissions available are:

Data Download

Large users of GMDN data, such as governments and hospitals, can download the complete GMDN Term set.


The GMDN Agency is a public charity and we only charge fees to cover our costs.

Register as a licensed member today.